My Dream Software

What would my dream software look like for helping to scale world-class interviewing and hiring skills to a broad population of growing companies? Not only would it do the following things, it would do them as seamlessly as possible, leveraging the current state of what is possible with AI but still involving the key human decision-makers at each key stage in the process...
- It would help them create role Targets that are deeply connected to their business strategy and objectives (Resulted Expected) and their culture (Competencies). This would help mitigate many hiring mistakes and provide the "backbone" for the rest of the process, including post-hire activities such as onboarding and performance management.
- It would instantly translate this Target into a "divide and conquer" interview strategy complete with interview guides on what questions to ask. It would of course allow a Hiring Manager (HM) the ability to edit the Target, and the resulting interviews—including the ability to add custom interviews to suit the specific needs of their team or company.
- There would a be "1-click-to-open" link for interviewers that was dead simple and could be pasted in calendar invites. I want interviewers to be able to say "I have an interview starting in 30 seconds, where do I go?" and have this one link answer their question instantly. The interviewer page would show them the areas of the Target they are responsible for, the candidate name, and the ~8 initial questions they are going to ask (with suggested follow-ups) along with space to take notes.
- At the end of the interview, there would be a structured place for the interviewer to provide ratings on the key areas to which they were assigned, and another place where they can put their supporting data. The software would thus promote data-driven decision making rather than gut-feel interviewing. The AI would be able to analyze the transcript/recording to suggest the data that would argue for a "pro" and "con" argument along all of the key dimensions to spark the interviewer's thinking. I do not believe at this point that the AI would do an accurate job of replacing human judgment at the rating stage.
- This would then auto-populate the "birds eye" view available to the admin where all ratings+data is centralized (but where individual interviewers cannot see each others' ratings, so as to avoid bias and groupthink). Once all ratings have been submitted, the admin can share/facilitate a discussion as to whether or not the person should be given an offer. I think the AI can also provide a "pro" and "con" argument / set of considerations at this stage. Including potential onboarding/coaching advice.
This type of software would *massively* reduce the time, friction, and pain of attempting to implement the Talgo methodology within an organization. It would overcome the inertia that plagues so many HMs—they want to be better at hiring, but frankly, it's very hard and they have full-time day jobs. This software guides them through the process in a world-class manner.
Thankfully this does not have to remain a dream—we've partnered with some amazing technologists and have already built 80% of what I've described above (we're building the other 20% as I write this). We'd love to show it to you if it sounds like something you or someone in your network could benefit from. Just reach out to [email protected] or [email protected] and we'd love to demo it to you!