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What's Behind The Defensiveness?

We’ve all sat across the table from candidates who aren't forthcoming with their mistakes and weaknesses. It’s never a good sign, and it’s usually a deal-killer, especially when the issue is consistent and pronounced.

But sometimes we see only slight signs of this concern....

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One Key Trait To Assess In Every Candidate (And How To Do It)

I am often asked some version of the following question, based on my experiences as an executive assessor and interviewing coach:“What factor correlates most strongly with success in a role? What’s the most important trait to assess?”

Unfortunately there is no single factor...

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10 Common Mindset Mistakes

Mistakes. We all make 'em. Many of the most common mistakes we see come down to the underlying mindset of the exec/hiring manager. Below is our Top 10 list—reversing these can drive significant improvements in your hiring outcomes.

1. "I'm sure we all know what we're hiring for"

The vast...

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When (and How) to Take Risks on a Candidate

No candidate selection process can deliver a 100% success rate—as long as we are dealing with human beings, we will make mistakes from time to time. The critical point is knowing when to take greater risk, and equipping your organization to address hiring mistakes efficiently and...

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How to Interrupt Well

The ability to interrupt confidently and gracefully is a must-have skill for interviewing candidates. It's also one of the most counterintuitive things I have to teach almost everyone that I coach.

Here's your 7-point cheat sheet for interrupting better:

1. Your Job

Unlike a podcast with an...

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How Savvy Candidates Avoid Being Interviewed

Of all of the mistakes companies make in their hiring processes (startups in particular), there is one so fundamental that it boggles the mind. The mistake is...failing to interview the candidate at all. And it happens far more often than you’d think.

Let’s say you’re the CEO of...

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Too Many Competencies = Too Many Hiring Mistakes

"Smart." "Results-oriented." "Team player." "Strong leadership skills." "Good communicator."

Sound familiar? You'll find these items on just about every company's competency list, across industries, functions and levels. We recommend you get rid of them—all of them.

"But, Jordan, we really...

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How to 3x Your Interview Data

A few years ago, I was helping the Chief Revenue Officer of a well-known tech giant interview candidates for a key People Ops leadership role. We each interviewed candidates for 45 minutes. When it came time to discuss the top candidate, he was shocked by how many data points I had gathered...

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The #1 Misconception About Interviews

"What’s the most common mistake people make when interviewing candidates?”

It’s a question I have been asked countless times in my 15 years as an exec assessor (CEO/CXO interviewer). While there are far too many to choose from, there is one fundamental misconception about...

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